Wednesday, March 5, 2008

i really am alive....

hello all!

I'm back in the States but have been recovering from jet lag and lots and lots of family to see and phone calls to catch up on. It seems that I may have brought back a friendly African visitor disguised as a parasite in my leg. Mmm hmm...I'm not kidding. I went to a Dr. at a general clinic in Austin and he refused to even look at it, much less treat me. So today I am headed to a travel clinic to have my little friend removed. We've been together for about 2 weeks now and I think I might miss the little guy. NOT.

How did I get a parasite? Remember when I fell off the boda (motorcycle) and then it ran over my leg? And how I was on my way to the Nile...well I swam in the Nile with an open wound. I know I know, very stupid. BUT IT WAS THE NILE!!!

Off to the clinic now...I promise I'll update soon with all that has passed from my last days in Uganda until now. I can even load pictures now since I'm no longer using the slowest computers in the world...literally.=)


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