Monday, April 21, 2008

la imaginación del corazón

In the beginning, God created....

God had no need to create the universe, instead he chose to. God is is best expressed toward something or someone.

God so loved...that he created...
God so loved...that he gave...

As an expression of the love manifested in God he created, and thus we are created in the image of God, the image of love.

It seems as if creation and love are inseparable.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The following is a speech that my 14 year old friend Bob wrote after watching the film Invisible Children again. He watched it alone on his couch and planned an event to raise money to help the cause. His school shot it down. I thought I would still share his speech with you...

"IT is not anyone else's choice...just yours. If you don't FEEL like it. Go ahead, don't

'It's not your problem, it's not my problem' If we don't want it to be, it won't be our problem.

But, see that is the mane reason every single person doesn't stand up and fight for what's right. Just those few, those blessed few, that say, 'LOOK AROUND! I've got everything I could ask for without working on second of my life for it. God gave me this, so why don't I give back all that I can. '

Not for pride

Not for fun.

But for love.

Love for others and love for God. Your creator. Your maker.

You can say, 'hey, I can't make a difference, look at me, stupid old me, I couldn't make a difference if I tried so what's the point?'

The point is..TRY. You might save a life. You might put a smile on a frowning face. You might feed someone a lifesaving cracker, or a sip of water.

NOW-I ask you today, right now, to think about someone other than yourself for once in your life. Smile at a frowning face. Give a hug to someone who needs it. Feed a hungry person and you have already made a difference, a HUGE difference, in your life and the other person's. Simply because you showed them goodness. You showed them love. And most of all, you showed them the smiling face of God. You showed them that there are people out there that CARE.

Now these children, these people that you see in Africa, are not less than one person in this room. ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. So why aren't they treated that way?

There are people in this very city right now that are starving, cold, friendless, sad. But some people don't really FEEL like trying. They would rather cry over a cell phone they wanted but couldn't get.

ANYONE can make a difference. The only thing that is required is trying, not even trying hard, but trying. Try to help another person in need. DO IT.

and I promise you, you will know happiness that is unimaginable in the human eye."


Bob called me last night to hear all about my trip to Uganda, so I summed up as much as I could. Then he asked me how old I was. I'm 23. And then he began to tell me how distraught he was because he was only 14 (soon to be 15 though) and he felt as if there was really nothing "big" he could do because he was so young.


Yeah, so I bought a plane ticket, signed up with a program and went to Uganda. Bob very well can't do that right now. But my actual trip to Uganda doesn't matter. It's the stories of love surrounding it that do. It's the reason I was compelled to go there in the first place. It's because I fell in love with Jesus...and fell hard.

Everyday when people hear about my trip they tell me that they want to go back to Uganda with me. Maybe some of them do, but I think it's more likely that they are thirsty to learn about love and think that going to Uganda will show them how...because that's where I went, right?

Uganda only stretched my capacity to love and opened my eyes to a world that determines whether you live or die by where you are born. Not that I hadn't known any of this before...but when you see something for yourself, you really GET it.

However, Uganda is not where I learned about love.

I learned about love in a classroom the first week of 4th grade. Somehow over the summer, all of us had changed from 3rd graders who didn't care what anyone looked like to elitists who had to wear the right sneakers, shorts, ahem and stirrup pants to be part of the popular crowd...those who were loved by all. The girls that I had been friends with forever were the popular clique. I had it in easy with them. But I couldn't stand how they treated the girls who were not so lucky to be blessed with the right clothing labels and perfect hair.

It came down to two empty seats at two separate tables in an art classroom. One with my popular friends and one with my outcast friends. I headed towards the outcasts and the popular table asked me why I would want to sit with them. I turned around and said because they're my friends and they are good.

So ended my popularity career. It lasted a whole of maybe one week. That's when I started loving the blessed and the misfits alike, but I learned much more from the misfits.

Little Bob, you can make a big difference at 14. How? Simply by being like Jesus instead of just believing in him. God is love. Jesus is love. Created in that image we Love is the road less traveled by, but it's what makes all the difference.

p.s. your faith, Bob, has already taught me more than most preachers ever have attempted to. and those preachers were pretty old.=) Keep loving, my friend.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Dear American Christianity...

Dear American Christianity,

I regret to inform you that I can no longer be part of your fold.

I will not be subject to a nation that looks to its President as a symbol of how faith should be reflected instead of the God who created the faith.
I cannot contain my worship to the hours of 6:00 p.m. Wednesday night or 10 a.m. Sunday morning.
I do not see the necessity in taking part in “contemporary worship” to make one feel more in tune with the “contemporary Jesus,” nor can I understand being limited to worshipping the “traditional Jesus” in a traditional service. I worship a Jesus who was the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow and is not altered by the flowery words of a sacred creed of the rhythm section of a praise band.
I refuse to view Jesus as an excuse to feel comfortable in the prosperity of the “American Dream” because he will provide for me if I follow him. There’s much more to following Jesus than financial security. In fact, the Jesus that I follow has asked me to become poor so that I may gain wealth. I am content with being provided what I need and not what I want.

America, why is it that you’re too afraid to speak of God to your spouse, your neighbor, your children, or your co-worker, but when “those atheists” threaten to remove the 10 commandments from the City Courthouse you are frenzied into outrage? Honestly, did you even notice that they were displayed there before? And when did we restrict God so much in our minds that we come to believe his only edification in our man-made buildings is a stone statue or etching? Is it not true that God dwells all throughout the earth, even if there is not a monument erected in his honor? You should be more upset that you do not represent a moving, breathing testimonial to the works of God and therefore have to depend on the engravings of a stone or two words in a pledge of allegiance to show your faith.

America, when did you turn from the land of freedom of religion, to the enslaver of Jesus Christ? You have bound and gagged Word of God made flesh by hardening your own hearts to his calling, thus muting his voice through you. It used to be said that even the mountains and rocks call out to his glory, but it seems that they’re now the only voices left to be heard, for the words that you speak or even yell on late-night TV or early Sunday morning radio sound to me as a resounding gong or clanging cymbal. More importantly, you have attempted to tame the Lion of Judah by boxing him up in a 15 minute devotional book or a 7 step program to higher living. What happened to the God that was in every second of every day, much less 15 minutes. Have we forgotten who created the time we have to budget for our “quiet moments” with God? Why is not every moment, quiet or loud, lived in communion with the God who created them? There is a church that I pass on my route between Texas and Mississippi that advertises a 30 minute worship service. When did we create this fast-food Jesus? At one point did it become acceptable and even preferable that we limit God’s time to a half hour? That’s less time that most of the dramas shown on primetime television.

There are all these books that teach us how to be “Just like Jesus” on our bookstore shelves. If you’re going to market Jesus, then at least market the real Jesus, not the politically correct image. Where have you hidden the reckless Christ who loved the unlovables and touched the untouchables to grant them healing? Where is the Christ who called the prostitutes, the misfits, and the poor his friends over the righteous? When did that Jesus become too scandalous to talk about in our churches? Maybe the reason we can no longer talk about the woman at the well, the adoring prostitute turned follower of God, or the lusty betrayals of King David is because that might force us to face our own growing culture of adultery. Maybe we can’t talk much about how that crazy Jesus because we know he told several rich men that they must give up their worldly treasures to gain entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven. It seems that those words come in direct opposition to the “Prosperity Gospel” preached by the class favorites of our American Christianity school of theology.

The once challenging, moving, and zealous Lion has been groomed and caged to make way for a more pleasing and comfortable Jesus. America is too scared of the dangers that involve following Christ because it might mean giving up everything our magazine, television, and culture tell us we need. Or heaven forbid, we might be called to visit those “dark places” like Africa where we can’t even drink the water. I can assure you that there is more darkness in suburbia and more spiritual poison in America than what you ever physically befall you in Africa. If you want to see God, watch a child who has nothing sing Amazing Grace and mean it. Or watch when a community fasts together because there is not enough food for the whole group. America, you cannot see God because not only have you watered him down, but you have filled your lives with so much “stuff” that it’s crowding your vision.

I can’t be a part of you anymore. I never was a part of you, but now our divide has become too apparent to ignore any longer. Please do not label me as “religious” anymore because it’s become too negative a word for me to bear. I am not comfortable even being called a “Christian” because I do not want to be grouped together with the same people who bomb abortion shelters for the sake of life, or who damn their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ for the sake of salvation. Instead, just call me friend of Jesus, a follower of Christ, a lover of God and the people created in his image.

My dear American church, please don’t continue to sell your soul at the cost of living comfortably. You used to be the land of the free, and the home of the brave. Now you enslave yourselves and each other and live in cowardice. I pray that soon you choose to leave your safety behind and live dangerously for the God you used to champion. Even though I’ve left you, I will still fight to save you…one person at a time.


Monday, March 10, 2008

new photo album

This is Big Man John who was a nursery student that was supposed to go home after lunch everyday, but instead he always came to visit me in the clinic and pretended to be sick. So, we hung out a lot. He talked to me in Luganda and I talked to him in English and neither one of us understood each other, but we definitely understood singing and laughing. =)

This is just an example of the things we did in my P3 class to encourage creative learning. We sing and dance to dream.

Friday, March 7, 2008

completely devastated....

Sun and Valence took Paul to Cherub (the local hospital that operates on disabled children for free), but instead of getting good news, we've received some news that has completely broken my heart. I'll paste in the email that Sun sent me:

Ok, here is brief report of Paul’s visit to the hospital.

Valence picked Paul and one of his sisters today early in the morning and we all went to Mukono. The hospital was located right next to the Childrens’ Home (sort of orphanage). As we went there so early, we could meet the doctor first among many patients.

The name of doctor was Paul too. (It’s funny, today at the hospital, I talked met and talked with 3 Paul!

Doctor Paul wanted to talk to me alone first. (Oh, Valence just dropped us at the hospital and went to Kampala and picked us up at 1:30). So I went to his room. There was another Muzungu who was a student of Mukono University which located near the hospital. She was assisting Dr. Paul.

All I heard from the doctor was quite different what I heard from you and there is a bad news too.

What Paul has as disease is so called ‘Brittle Bone Disease’ or ‘Osteogenesis Imparfecta Congenita Tarda’.
- It’s inherited disease
- Boys have more possibility to get this disease than girlsThe patient can so easily get numerous fractures as their bone is too fragile as well as their skin is too thin and weak. The worst thing is whenever they have those fractures, they don’t even recognize as most of them are even painless. The reason why Paul has curved arms and legs was that he’s got so many fractures so far, and whenever it happened, as his - muscles are stronger than his bones so the bone’s form changed by the way his muscle pulled. (It’s hard to explain to you though… please understand. I guess you can find out better explanation through Internet search or from your mom.)

The bad news is as follows;
- Paul can’t get any surgery as it will be useless. His bone is too weak to get the surgery. Dr. Paul told me and Valence that if there is a doctor who says that he can get a surgery, it means he just needs ‘money’.
- Patient who has OI as disease, their life expectance is short. Dr. showed me some pictures of other patients who got same disease then he said the patience died when he was 20. The reason is as their bone is too weak but they are grown up so some point their bone, especially chest part, they can’t stand the gravity and pressure comes from the head and they collapse so that they are having hard time to breathe and most of them die with suffocation.

And when Dr. asked questions to Paul, we realized that Paul isn’t 15 years-old but he is 17 years-old after his sister.

So, Dr’s suggestions were as follows;
- Surgery is useless
- Best thing we can do to give Paul a proper and customized for him. He said normal wheelchair costs around 350,000 USH but in the case of Paul, Customization will cost more. So around 450,000 USH including transportation. He said, we do need to go to Kampala to meet wheelchair specialist and Dr. Paul should be there too so that he could let the specialist which parts of the wheelchair should be adjusted for Paul. He also added that sometime, it takes forever to make it so it will be better to motivate specialist by tipping some money too. If we do it will take a few weeks.

And get regular medical check-up or see a doctor every 6 months to see how his health condition is.

It’s already too late but if we can, we can provide him calcium tablets. He added that Paul needs to eat lots of green vegetable and fresh fish.

- Very important thing is we should be really careful when we carry him. And Dr. showed me what the best way to carry him is. Do you remember the way Enocka carries? It’s the worst thing to do! We should carry him by taking him from the bottom, so sometime we do need 2 people to do it better. And whenever Paul is sitting, he should lean on the wall or something so that he can avoid more pressure to his chest and can have more comfortable to breath. Dr. said if we do have customized wheel chair, then Paul just can sit there whole day only except when he sleeps. Only this way, we can avoid his further deformity.


I'm really just speechless. We will do the best that we can for Paul. I know that many of you have grown to love him through this blog just as I did in person. He's truly an angel. Please continue to pray for him. I'll write more when I have words to say.