Monday, April 21, 2008

la imaginación del corazón

In the beginning, God created....

God had no need to create the universe, instead he chose to. God is is best expressed toward something or someone.

God so loved...that he created...
God so loved...that he gave...

As an expression of the love manifested in God he created, and thus we are created in the image of God, the image of love.

It seems as if creation and love are inseparable.


Anonymous said...

well put.

Devin Garza said...

simple and true homegirl.

to track with that, i was reading about community. and the person said that not only are we to be social creatures because God made adam and eve together and said its not good to be alone, but also because God is, by His very essence of being three in one, community. just as much as He is love. and the same person said that "God is love," the popular Christian phrase, doesn't make sense unless we put it in the context of community. love doesn't exist without an object of our affections. God and Jesus and Spirit loved each other perfectly and eternally, and therefore God is love and God is community. then comes in us, the creation, modeled after God. so yes, we are love and community once reunited with God.

dang. God's craze.